Solo exhibitions

2010/11 Bartlhaus Museum PETTENBACH (AUSTRIA)

2010  Museo Civico di CHIUSA-KLAUSEN (BOLZANO -IT)

2010  Museo della Grafica PISA -IT

2009  Fandango, ROMA-IT

2009 “Next Stop” Galleria Porta Palatina, Galleria Machè, TORINO-IT

2008  Galleria La Cerverina d’art, Cervera, BARCELLONA-SP

2008  Commissione Europea-Istituto Italiano di Cultura-Ambasciata d’Italia (catalogo) LUSSEMBURGO-LU

2008  Scuola Superiore di Grafica -Bra, TORINO-IT

2007 «Tentoonsteling» Gemeenthuis, Municipio Castello di WESTERLO-BE

2006 «Immagini, segni, lettere» InGenio-Arte, TORINO-IT

2006 «Exposition» Galleria Mannakunsthuis – BRUGES-BE

2004 «Kalligrafie» Broadway, PALERMO-IT

2004 «Kalligrafie» Mood, TORINO-IT

2004 «Tipocalligraphie» MJC, BOURG-EN-BRESSE-FR

2003 «Ritmi Calligrafici» Galleria Arshile, TORINO-IT

2003 «Segni calligrafici» Asylum- Collegno, TORINO-IT

2001 Wonder, TORINO-IT

1999 «Segni calligrafici» La Nottola, TORINO-IT

1998 «Calligrafie» Galleria Modena 55 (catalogo), TORINO-IT

1998  «Calligramme» Procope TORINO-IT, presentazione di G. Sebastiano Brizio

Collective exhibitions

2010/08 Verein für Kalligrafie und experimentelle Schriftgestaltung- Kloster Drübeck - GERMANIA

2010 Esposizione Biblioteca Nazionale (catalogo) TORINO- IT

2009  Asta/Esposizione, Galleria della Rocca, TORINO-IT

2008 Conferenza Nazionale Gestalt, TORINO-IT

2008 «Peopling the Palaces» con Peter Greenaway, Reggia della Venaria Reale, (catalogo)  TORINO-IT

2008 «Dal segno alla scrittura, dalla scrittura al segno” Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria (catalogo) TORINO-IT

2007 «Les Doights Noir» Banca del Lussemburgo, LUSSEMBURGO-LU

2007 « Natale che palle» Galleria Cristiani, TORINO-IT

2006 «Biblioteche d’artista, insoliti percorsi d’arte e scrittura» (catalogo) Moncalieri, TORINO-IT

2006 «Italy-Pakistan two Nation Exhibition» Galleria Alhamra (catalogo) Lahore-PakISTAN

2006 1°Festival Internazionale della Calligrafia Contemporanea, Fondation Bernard Anthonioz, Nogent sur Marne, PariGI-FR (catalogo)

2006 International Exhibition, (catalogo) GIAPPONE  

2005 «Hype Gallery» - Assab On, (catalogo)  MilanO-IT

2005 «Antiche erranze» Staranzano, (catalogo) Gorizia-IT

2005 «Festival della Cultura» Asti-IT

2004 «Westerlo 04» Grote Prijs Calligrafie 2004», (catalogo) WESTERLO-Be

2004 Associaciò Premis Catalunya de Cal-ligrafia- BARCELLONA-ES

2003 Associaciò Premis Catalunya de Cal-ligrafia- BARCELLONA-ES

2003 «Invito alla calligrafia» Villa Amoretti, (catalogo) TORINO-IT
2002 Istituto per la Grafica e Pubblicità «A. Steiner», TORINO-IT

2002 «Arte Senza Tempo 4» Biennale (catalogo) Alessandria-IT

2001 «TransLoco» Biblioteca Civica di Alessandria-IT

1999 «Artisti Torinesi» Brain and Soul- Reggio Emilia-IT
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My Hand

How else can I feel alive and that I exist in this world but through my hand?

My hand leaves a trace, my hand writes and describes me. In this way, letters become a means
to exist outside myself. Often forgetting what writing means, going beyond the letters, captured
by a sole need to see. The letters become signs, images, evocations, urgent needs, emotions.
The gesture of a hand that writes becomes free in its desire to speak for itself, speaking of things
beyond itself.
Regiane Yuki Sabanai Presents Massimo Polello

Based in Turin, Italy, Massimo Polello has worked as a calligrapher for over a decade, has exhibited, led workshops
internationally, worked on several short films, and is a contributor to Graphicus and Tipoitalia  magazines. In 2008 he
published “Traité de la peinture-Extraits” with Editions Alternatives Publisher-Paris. Actually is the President of Turin
calligraphers´ guild Dal Segno alla Scrittura.

Since studying calligraphy at the Toulouse Scriptorium, he has explored its classical and contemporary applications. These
include designing packaging and signage logos for companies, museums and individuals, as well as applying his designs
to walls.

He sums up his approach to calligraphy best, "...letters become a means to exist outside myself... going beyond the letters,
captured by a sole need to see. They become signs, images, evocations, urgent needs, emotions." (Traité de la peinture –
Extraits texts from Trattato della Pittura by Leonardo Da Vinci, calligraphy works by Massimo Polello)

1998 Special critics award, Young Artists Show - Galleria Azimut, Turin

2003 Award of the City of Menorca, Spain

2004 Premis Catalunya di Calligrafia, Barcelona, Spain

2004 Selection International Grote Prijs Kalligrafie 2004 - Westerlo, Belgium

2004 First Prize International Calligraphy Competition - Lahore, Pakistan

2006 First Prize International Grote Prijs Kalligrafie 2006 - Westerlo, Belgium

Born in Turin, Italy, in 1970 where he  lives and works.

·         He received his professional training at the School of Graphic Arts and Fine Arts Academy. A long period of self-instruction followed during
which he developed a personal style of calligraphy and studied with numerous calligraphers  and internationally recognized master penmen at the
Scriptorium de Toulouse, France.

·         President of Turin calligraphers´ guild Dal Segno alla Scrittura

·         He has exhibited his work in collective and one-man shows in Italy, France, Belgium, Spain, Japan, Pakistan, Russia.

·         Free-lance calligrapher and calligraphy art designer, Polello works mainly on projects for designing calligraphic logotypes, trademarks,
packaging and publishing. Numerous commissions of calligraphic works in big size on floors and walls, in stand, public art exhibitions, premises,
hotels, private rooms.

·         He was involved in the video project for the Florence National Archives  on Leonardo da Vinci´s writing and for the Archives of Mantova on
Andrea Mantegna´s letters and with the Biblioteca Laurenziana in Florence in a project- workshop working on  manuscript’s library.

·         In 2006 he was involved with the Pakistan Calligraph-artists´ Guild, in organizing the exhibition " Italy-Pakistan- a  two-Nation Exhibition" held in
Lahore with the support of the Government of the Punjab and the Italian Ministery for Foreign Affairs where he organized the opening cerimony,
workshop and seminary.

·         In 2007 worked with artist and film-maker Peter Greenaway in video installation and catalogue "Peopling the Palace" for the opening of
Venaria Castle, Turin.

·         In 2008 and 2010 he organized the exhibition “Dal segno alla scrittura, dalla scrittura al segno”  held in the  National Library of Turin with the
support of  the Italian Ministero for Cultural Activity, Piedmont Region, Province and Town of Turin..

·         In 2009 he was involved with the CONTEMPORARY MUSEUM OF CALLIGRAPHY in Moscow for the II International Callygraphy exhibition  on
master classes and exhibition.

·         He often holds workshops and seminars in around the world: Italy, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Spain, Ireland, Lahore-Pakistan, Canada-

·         His work is part of the Calligraphy Collection, Archiv Akademie Der Künste of Berlin and Collection of Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy in
Moscow has been published in national and international specialized reviews.

·         Member of "Doigts Noir" an international group of calligrapher-artist professionals who meet annually in France.


·          june 2010 video “LATEST WORKS 2010”  in occasion of his solo exhibition in Museum of  Klausen  

·          July 2008 catalogues “WORKS” his works from 2004-2008.

·         In October 2008 for Éditiones Alternatives- Paris he publish his works inspired to the "Treaty of the painting" of Leonardo da Vinci

·        He collaborates with the journal Graphicus, TipoItalia, Letternews (Belgium) contributing articles for the magazine on calligraphy and lettering
Massimo Polello

Di Alexia Rizzi

Internationally, Massimo Polello is currently the best known Italian calligrapher.

Over recent years he has taken part in major competitions of world standing, given workshops and training on calligraphy and
displayed his work in collective and solo national and international exhibitions.

After studying the traditional calligraphic styles, Polello geared his personal quest towards the artistic expression of this discipline by
creating his own language and an ontologically expressive approach aimed at imparting the culture of calligraphic art in a
contemporary idiom.

In Polello's works the alphabet transcends the typical functionality of the written language and its relative symbolic and abstract value
by becoming an image that confers value to the shape and gesture of the sign.

The calligraphic work is no longer a representation but an interaction between the artist, time and memory.

Polello therefore does not restrict himself to the use of traditional techniques, perfectly mastered with a very personal style, but
supplements them with expressive media such as videos and projections. By embracing such technology and the art of live
performance, he is thus in very close touch with the contemporary artistic avant-garde

By dint of this approach, Polello frees calligraphic art from its bi-dimensionality, placing it in a creative dynamic context and bestowing
upon it a monumentality that dovetails with time and space.

Polello superimposes on classic calligraphic techniques stylistic experimentations which are embellished by the use of innovative
materials such as resins, varnishes, and unconventional media. Moving away from the stereotyped use of paper and canvasses, he is
always on the look-out  for recycled materials to which he likes to confer a new identity.

*artista calligrafo*

+39 349 555 49 64 mobile

+39 011 54 30 27 studio


latest works:



