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Against The Pain Eaters
Michael Kronenberg
Artist and cofounder of  the 950 Hart gallery in Bushwick Brooklyn
My work and the two-way flow of communication:

I am constantly gathering the energy strands emanating from every composition and subject that comes into
range .I feel the necessity to note their vibrations and let my visual impressions become the drawing.  A mark
turns into an arrow and energy travels.  Feeling states leave their mark on a piece of paper.

It was impossible to ignore the creative ferment produced by the huge collection of art books inhabiting the
house that I shared with my grandfather.  My brain became an accordion folder that cataloged the vocabulary of
influences of my extensive childhood reading.  I devoured everything from cave paintings to German
Expressionism to pop art.

My creative process relies on the idea I must forget myself, and my conscious mind before the images can flow
through me. My works are a synergy between my conscious and unconscious.

My works may be called figurative drawings that are fused with a healthy dose of abstraction.  They own their
own symbolist vocabulary that either comes from deep within or somewhere else entirely
Garden Of Eden
The Celebration In the Temple
The Opposition