Michael Blessing spent his formative years in rural Montana, surrounded by the land, the
people, and the usual conglomeration of machinery.  Afer pursuing a Master’s degree inMusic Arts, he spent the next thirty years owning
and running two recording studios andworking in the music industry in the areas of performance,  production, and engineering.  
A self taught artist working in oil, Michael is primarily compelled by the shapes withina composition.

Having discovered an initial inclination toward fgurative painting, hefavors a candid view of his subjects, ofen depicting
unexpected everyday moments andemotions that are universally relevant. As a kid growing up in mid last century Americana,
brightly lit neon signs ofen captured his imagination and interest.
Michael felt he couldcombine his love of painting the fgure with his love of the
nostalgic pull of neon, and his“Neon Gunslingers” series was born.

As a rule, Michael is drawn to strong compositions, vibrant color, and bold lines. His fgurative
work and paintings of vintage Western nostalgia are widely appealing and have an edgy
quality that is both contemporary and timeless
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Michael Blessing
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“Double Feature” 48x60 oil
“Outliers” 48x60 oil
“Kicking’ Up Dust” 60x60
“Four Aces” 30x48 oil
“Lookin’ For trouble” 30x48
“Members Only” 48x30 oil
“Pioneer Club” 72x36 oil
“Raising The Bar” 36x24 oil
“Rebel” 36x36 oil
“Dancing For The Lodge” 24x48
“Stampede Corral” 36x36 oil
“Neon Gunslingers” Triptych 72x48 oil
“Waterin’ Hole” 30x24 oil