Nancy Hollinghurst is a realist painter born in Atlanta, GA in 1978. She received an MFA from the New York Academy of Art in 2008, and a BFA
from the School of Visual Arts in 2002. She currently lives and works in Brooklyn, NY with her husband Dave.

I consider everything I paint to be a portrait, meaning, it represents a specific person. People are fascinating and everyone has a story. So
whether I am painting an actual person that I find interesting, or a still life of food, landscape or objects that represent someone, it’s always a

We collect objects and assign meaning to them because someone gave it to us, or made it for us, or we bought it while with someone, or it’s
their recipe… and when these people are gone, we hold onto “them”. It’s the experience and memories of a lived life. I am aware that some of
my paintings will outlast me in this world, and so I try to be conscious of what I create and who I am representing. My goal is to create a legacy of
fascinating people for the future world to get to know and enjoy.
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Nancy Hollinghurst
Maria - 2014,
Watercolor on Clay Board, 30 inches x 22 inches
Benji - 2014,
Watercolor on Paper, 12 inches x 9 inches
Cake Shop - 2014,
Oil on Canvas, 12 inches x 24 inches
140 178 (Portrait Of A Working Marriage) - 2010,
Acrylic on Canvas
2010, Watercolor
Amy - 2008,
Acrylic, Embroidery, Bed Sheet, 44 inches x 55 inches (Bedsheet Series)
Corrie - 2008,
Acrylic, Embroidery, Bed Sheet, 44 inches x 55 inches (Bedsheet Series)
Nancy - 2008,
Acrylic, Embroidery, Bed Sheet, 44 inches x 55 inches (Bedsheet Series)
Anniversary 5 -
2014, Oil on Panel, 6 inches x 12 inches
Woodcock - 2006, Watercolor